Our school aims at imparting sound education to mould praiseworthy character & all round development of the child.  We instill in our students courage and hope to face all events of life, in the experience of God.  We prepare them to be the ambassadors of peace and make them imbibe the moral values – love, justice and brotherhood.  We inculcate in the valorous young sprouts, a potency which bestows them a zeal to render magnanimous service for mankind.  In the lush green footsteps of our founder father, Rev. Fr. Louis Savories Dupuis our school edifies the pupils to be well integrated in sound – moral, spiritual, human and social values and makes them reach the ever advancing frontiers in academics and in all spheres.

To synergize harmonious growth of skills accompanied and a head with academic expertise, we aim at exposing the pupils to avenues governing the extracurricular activities in order to enable them to be well equipped in acquiring a form launch platform that strengthens their ability and empower them in the wake of any competitive scenario.

A student   of our institution will be the treasure of the society and salt of the earth who radiate confidence and splendor in heaping pride & glory to the school, family, society and the country at large.  By dint of our unrelenting commitment to our  calling , we broaden the vision of the students augment their perspectives and help them achieve realistically defined goals.  We provoke patriotic favor & religious tolerance.  The school thus forges ahead to embark upon a reminiscent path impearled with stately endowments of galvanizing feats.

“To strive, to seek, to found and a lot to yield” upholding this precept the school caters to assure commendable service and carves indelible epochs through incessant benediction from “Lord Almighty.”

A nation can survive only on the foundation of integration based on a faith in brotherhood and cooperation.  Education should fulfill such a need by aiming at the emancipation of individuals, especially the poor and the marginalized and foster quality relationship by building solidarity among students.  Bearing this maxim in mind our school is sparked off to meet the needs in its vibrant voyage.