Amidst the spangled heavens and  drifting clouds in the blue ethereal sky, just as the great luminary -. the jubilant sun dispenses light from afar, to enrich the glimmering landscape, our school, “The Immaculate Heart of Mary  Matric Hr. Sec. School” exudes sterling eventful and glorious expedition since 1977, when it was started with 50 children.  It was an intrinsic effort of the then  Mother General, Rev. Mother Faustina Mary who had culminated in the creation of a stupendous contrivance.  Her indomitable undertaking unearthed the resplendent visionary, our school, “The Temple of Knowledge.”  The valiant journey of efficacy was thus started and the school was incredibly activated to surfeit the languish of young minds. Year by year its growth was tremendous and mordant.

As a result of Rev. sisters ‘efforts and the innumerable travails that were trodden on the school was opened on “The Immaculate Heart of Mary Feast.”  The emissaries were impassioned in their ardor, and so their confluent exertion resulted in erecting the first building in 1985.  The enterprising mettle of the sisters was the impulse behind this upsurge of edifice.  For some years, the vocation was an uphill venture and a toilsome undertaking.  Under the aegis of the first Principal Rev. Sr. Eusthokia Mary who was flanked with the undulating tenacity to give the school an upturn.  The school flourished very well and settled comfortably in a realm of unique distinction.

Blazoning their unsparing might the 1st batch of Std X made a frappant splurge by exhibiting a sunshining stature and emerging triumphant with 100% results.  Thus the lofty ideals and sustained acumen of the emissaries carved new annals in the almanac of the school.  Their new visions touched the different facets of the school and beautified it from strength to strength.

“Education emancipates, purifies thoughts and transforms a common man into a noble being.”  With realistically defined goals, the sisters evinced to be unflinching in demonstrating continual cheerfulness in pursuit of this mission.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Matric Hr. Sec. School, thus prides itself of stamping its identity in academic distinction in the city of Coimbatore.

“Merit and good breeding will make way everywhere.”

“A good tree makes good fruits.”  With a gush of gratitude, we go down the memory lane, which is impearled with the accomplishments of the emissaries – who with their expediency, dedicated themselves for the rise of this estimable institution.  It would be right to say that they were the life giving elixirs by dint of whose source of strength and support was the edifice of “Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Matric. Hr. Sec. School” built.