Love, Knowledge and Truth is the Motto of our school.

Love:- Our school opens the floodgates in the making of a congenial society by offering the students a scenario where a grand finale of personal growth is attained and social proposals become personalized.  Our fervid children are enkindled to interweave goodwill and peace through comradeship.  They are roused to bridge a sense of kingship with fellow beings.  We aim at shaping them to be replete with admirable altruism – to be simple and affable & to be delineating good social skills with the characteristic milk of human kindness.

We also make children believe that the tender care they show, will spring like a sweet melody & resonate & tug at the heart strings of the recipient forever.  We integrate the personalities of the children so that they can play their part well on the stage of life.

Knowledge:- Our Motto strongly vouches that the precious endowments of sound mind can fruitfully harness boundless potentials into productive energy.  It proclaims that subtlety & concentration stand testimonial for the accomplishments of monumental task. The school streamlines substantial beneficence of expertise in the students to give expression to their embodied strengths and helps them gain access to different avenues that unlock the treasure house of knowledge.  Our motto promotes healthy spirit of emulsion & teaches how to relate and integrate. Incorporating these ideals our students are enabled a platform to evolve as torch bearers, and enthusiastic who foster kingship & cohesive integration in harmonizing their abilities towards accomplishing enormous tasks. Through the morale of providing a qualitative wholesome education in a modern, student friendly environment.  The school motto evinces keen interest in the well being of each of the students.

Truth:- Our motto inspires the children to be undaunted in standing by truth, thus illuminating their minds with a conscientious prudence and refulgent sagacity that discard the gloom of unrighteousness.

As in the words of the “Poet Laureate Tagore”, Meet him and stand by him in toil and in the sweat of thy brow” the motto enhances its horizons in turning over a new leaf in generating pupils who would incorporate virtues of cherishable values.  It embellishes their hearts and minds to shine and irradiate the inner flame wherever they go.  Each pupil would be a beacon light and a tower of strength, sparking off the world to reach the heights of moral eminence.

It makes the children add one more plume to their colorful cap, by making them have their lives modeled with a creditworthy dictum.  Our pupil will exemplify, the decorum or the precept imparted at the portals of our school. Thus personifying that they will always be outsmarting in the circuit of morality tests.